It's Official!


Like a woman ready to give birth – or maybe more like an elephant who had to wait 22 months instead of nine - I am thrilled that my book is at last, as they say in the publishing world, “released.”


The subject of my book is sobering, so I hope you’ll forgive me a moment of joy. I think my parents would have felt it appropriate. After all the fear, obstacles, and heartaches they faced, they were resilient and hopeful. That is something to celebrate.

My publisher reminds me that promoting a book is a marathon, not a sprint. Each new person who reads my book - especially if they are kind enough to rate and review it on any of the websites like Goodreads and Amazon - carries me a few yards down the road. I appreciate every reader. In fact, I am honored by every reader. After all, this venture is not about money. It’s about telling a story that, sadly, is all too relevant today.

Thanks to all those who have been cheering me on.


Ebooks are sold exclusively on Amazon. Paperbacks can now be ordered at your favorite neighborhood bookstore – or online at most booksellers including,, Amazon and Barnes & Noble.