Big News!

If you are a parent, you might remember how much you wanted to tell the world that you were pregnant, even when you were advised to wait a few months. And, you likely remember how the baby’s due date seemed so far away. And, lastly, how quickly it all happened. Well, that’s a melodramatic way of explaining my latest bit of news. For the past three years (plus three decades or so), I have been working on compiling the stories of my parents’ escape from the Nazis. Those stories are now a book entitled In the Wake of Madness: My Family’s Escape from the Nazis. And I have a publisher! Amsterdam Publishers specializes in Holocaust memoirs and seems the perfect fit for this project, especially because it has the potential for international reach. So, returning to my ridiculous analogy, I have selected a name for my child and chosen an obstetrician for delivery. But my due date (date of publication) is almost a year away! But for those of you who followed Those Stories and those who wondered if they would ever hold a physical version in their hands, I had to blurt out the good news. More than ever, the book feels like a meaningful contribution to a body of work that documents the stories of survivors and their descendants. With antisemitism, White nationalism and anti-LQBTQ all on the rise, there remains an urgent need to remember how easily hateful political rhetoric can turn into policy.

Let us hope the new year brings us closer to light and love, to peace on earth and charity for all. Happy holidays!

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